City to the Sea 5K, 10/20/96
5K 24:02 7:45 pace
Berkeley Rainbow Run 10K, 3/16/97
10K 50:11 8:05 pace
...then life married + husband + child---What running shoes?
Baywood JuneFest 4mi, 6/5/11
4 Miles 33:33 8:23 pace
Pete Dorn Memorial Thanksgiving Run 8 mi, 11/24/11
8 Miles 1:08:19 8:35 pace
SFO Kaiser Permanente 1/2 Marathon, 2/3/13 (NEW PR)
1/2 Marathon 1:54:03 8:42 pace
City to the Sea 1/2 Marathon, 10/21/01 (Previous 1/2 Marathon PR)
1/2 Marathon 1:56:51 8:55 pace
PCTR Montana De Oro 25K Trail Run, 2/14/10
25K 3:31:53 13:39 pace
Mountains 2 Beach Marathon, 5/26/13 (NEW PR)
Marathon 4:00:16 9:10 pace
Napa Valley Marathon, 3/2/2013(Previous Marathon PR)
Marathon 4:02:37 9:16 pace
PCTR Montana De Oro 50K Trail Run, 8/15/10
50K 8:12:23 15:23 pace